Real or Fake Tree?

With the holidays fast approaching it’s time to bring out all the decorations, lights, and of course the tree. Which brings to light the question do I go with a fake tree or a real tree? While there are pros and cons to both, it really is up to you and what you want to have. By the time December is almost 100 Million homes will be filled with decorations and holiday tress. Of those 100 Million homes about 80% of them will be using fake trees as compared to 20% that will be using real trees.

Real Tree Pros:

  1. Real trees grow on farms and help to process carbon dioxide into oxygen.

  2. Real trees are typically grown in areas where the soil will not grow other crops. Which gives use to the land and creates a stable environment for water and animals.

  3. Real trees are renewable, where as most growers will plant 2-3 new trees for every tree the cut down. As well as real trees will process back into the earth as compared to a plastic fake tree.

  4. Real trees make your home smell like the holidays.

Real Tree Cons:

  1. You have to spend money to buy a new tree every year.

  2. You will have to water and care for your tree daily while it is up for the holidays.

  3. There might be bugs or mold on your tree if not purchased from a reputable nursery.

  4. Some farmers will use chemicals and sprays on their trees.

  5. The pine needles can become dry and messy around the base of the tree. As well as real trees can dry out and be flammable.

 Fake Tree Pros:

  1. Buy it once and it can last you for many years to come. (Of course not forever)

  2. No mess! With a fake tree you don’t have to worry about cleaning up all the pine needles day after day. As well as no need to water!

  3. Most trees today are designed and made with materials that are fire and flame resistant.

  4. No worrying about bugs or mold like you would on a real tree.

  5. Many fake trees today are made so well they look like a real tree.

  6. Easy to put up and take down with easy storage.

Fake Tree Cons: 

  1. Not biodegradable like a real tree once its time to throw out and replace.

  2. Trees are made in factories using chemicals and PVC type materials that create a carbon foot print.

  3. No fresh smell like a real tree.

As you can see there are plenty of reasons both good and bad to go with either option. It really comes down to what you and your family want for the holidays and how much work, time, and money you are willing to put into decorating. For many of us a fake tree will do just fine, and for others nothing but the real thing will do. No matter which option you go with we have everything you need to decorate this holiday season. So stop into our retail center today and start decorating like a pro!


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